Master Composer of Film Music Choi Chang-kwon Dead

Master composer of musicals and film music Choi Chang-kwon passed away in his home on January 25 from chronic illness. He was 74.

Born in Pyeongyang in 1934, the composer worked with Yegreen Music Company, which was established in 1962, and began writing modern musicals, including 'Close Neighbors' and 'Kkotnimi'.

He made his film music debut in 1966 with 'Glorious Blues' and subsequently composed for over 100 films, including "The Road to Sampo" and 'The Invited Heroes'.

Younger generations likely know the master composer for the theme song of the popular TV cartoon',Robot Taekwon V'.

Choi was the permanent conductor and music director for Yegreen Music Company and the head of the Tongyang Broadcasting Company's radio orchestra. He was also the head of the musical center Mirinae, the head of the Seoul Municipal Music and Dance Company, professor at the Seoul Institute of the Arts as well as a member of the Performance Arts Ethics Commission.

Choi was also the first director general of the Korean Musical Association and the president of the Korean Association of Korean Film Music Composers.
