A Wild Roomer

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A Wild Roomer

Korean Movie | 2022

괴인 | goe-in


Directed by Lee Jeong-hong (이정홍)

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136min | Release date in South Korea:

Gi-hong is a carpenter who makes his living by taking on small interior work. He has become close to the young landlord and his wife and spends more time hanging out with them. Meanwhile, small but strange things happen to Gi-hong. Although there is nothing particularly mysterious about a Wild Roomer, the film is difficult to describe or explain. Every character goes astray a little. There is a precarious torrent in the leisure, deft humor during infinite prudence, and the space between narrow and long alleys and aisles reminds us of the ambiguous relationship and distance among people. The absolute fascination of a Wild Roomer is not in a powerful subject or a unique subject matter but in the strength of the rhythm and the state that just flows out of the way without any arguments or disputes. a Wild Roomer is a fascinating film that will linger in viewers’ minds for a long time. JUNG Hanseok

27th Busan International Film Festival



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